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At Karolinska University Hospital we work strategically with innovation and partnerships to shape the best possible healthcare for the patients of tomorrow. Through our Center for Innovation, we provide support for innovation within specialized care − processes and procedures as well as new treatments and leading-edge technologies.
Center for Innovation

We facilitate current and future innovation initiatives, and provide competence, coaching, counselling and courses

Partnerships and collaboration

We establish and support joint innovation between patients, industry, academia and other healthcare providers.


Examples of innovation initiatives within a broad range of focus areas – from empowering the patient’s role in development to implementing AI

We form long-term industry partnerships with multiple focus areas, as well as single project collaborations. We also set up more informal meetings to share insights and ideas.

Within the Healthcare Transformation Academy, we offer courses in innovation management to drive innovation from within the healthcare organization.

Publications related to innovation projects and initiatives supported by the Center for Innovation at Karolinska University Hospital.

Events and opportunities

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News on innovation

A new clinical study reveals that an AI-based method for selecting women for additional screening with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can significantly improve the detection of breast cancer missed by traditional mammography. The randomized clinical tria...
Karolinska University Hospital is a central part of AD-RIDDLE, an international collaboration aimed at improving the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Miia Kivipelto, a Senior Geriatrician and Professor, leads the project, whose ...
The EUHA Members' Assembly, held at Karolinska University Hospital from June 12-14, convened international healthcare leaders to discuss innovative solutions for future challenges. Highlights included the EUHA Symposium on AI and high-quality care, and a r...
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