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Myeloid Malignancies

The Department of Leukemia and Bone Marrow Failure is one of Europe's most successful disease-specific cancer programs and the largest in Scandinavia.

As one of the most active medical academic departments within the Division of Cancer Medicine, we have 14 clinical faculties and 11 affiliated primary investigators/group leaders, as well as three professors undertaking active research spanning translational, clinical, and epidemiological aspects of hematopoiesis, bone marrow failure, and leukemia. We have a comprehensive clinical trial program covering newly diagnosed and relapsed AML patients and trials open for MDS, MPN, and CML patients. Our program includes over 9,000 outpatient visits per year. We have an excellent record as being among the highest achieving departments in the standardized care program, ensuring fast diagnosis and time to treatment of leukemia patients. 


The Hematology Center at Karolinska is the largest of its kind in Sweden, and the collaboration between the center and the Karolinska Institutet ensures strong clinical and translational research. Hematology
Bringing together cutting-edge research and world-leading expertise